Sunday, July 27, 2008

Teacher Angst and New Beginnings

I've been told to blog. So here I am blogging...
I was a teacher for 2 years. I decided that having a real job(like teaching) and living by a schedule(like 8:00am-5ish) is not as great as the pre-teen version of me made it out to be. The pre-teen and even teen version of me is in fact, an idiot. I was made to believe, by myself, that growing up and becoming responsible would allow me such freedom and independence as I had never experienced before. So the younger version of me convinced the older version of me to go ahead and strive for a "real job" with a "real salary" and get a "real life". I soon realized I had less of a life than I did at 15. This is sad, especially according to my 15 year old students, who often told me I should, "get out more". I spent my time grading papers..or lets be honest...thinking about grading papers, and wishing that for just a moment I could focus on something a little less real. This led me to dream about writing, which as we know, is as unreal as you can get. Still, when I verbalize these fantasies about "living by my pen", I'm told to blog. So here is my blog. It won't pay the rent, but it might begin to satisfy something important.

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